Thursday, March 26, 2009

Which part of these documents are offensive and why USA & Israel stormed out?

Which part of these documents are offensive and why USA & Israel stormed out?
Why Israel supports racism and xenophobia? Can we conclude “The Zionist Israel is a racist state as well as worse than former Nazi State and USA is aiding and abetting racism and xenophobia”?

Durban, 31 August-7 September 2001/Agenda item 7
Note by the Secretary-General

The agenda of the World Conference as adopted by the Conference on 31 August 2001 is reproduced below.
1. Opening of the Conference.
2. Election of the President.
3. Opening addresses.
4. Adoption of the rules of procedure.
5. Election of the other officers of the Conference.
6. Credentials of representatives to the Conference.
(a) Appointment of the Credentials Committee;
(b) Report of the Credentials Committee.
7. Adoption of the agenda.
8. Organization of work.
9. Conference themes:
- Sources, causes, forms and contemporary manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

- Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

- Measures of prevention, education and protection aimed at the eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance at the national, regional and international levels.

- Provision of effective remedies, recourse, redress, compensatory* and other measures at the national, regional and international levels.

- Strategies to achieve full and effective equality, including international cooperation and enhancement of United Nations and other international mechanisms in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and follow-up.

10. Adoption of the final document and the report of the Conference.
* The use of the word "compensatory" is without prejudice to any outcome of this conference.
DUR.01-152 Sources:

Durban Review Conference, 20-24 April 2009, Geneva, Press Release
High Commissioner Makes Concrete Proposals to Combat Racism
23 February 2009

Ahead of major anti-racism conference, High Commissioner urges unity and combined efforts, proposes technical solutions to combat discrimination.

GENEVA – Calling on governments to transcend political differences and work together to eliminate racism and xenophobia, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay has issued a series of proposals and recommendations in preparation for a major anti-racism conference, to be held in Geneva in April.

The High Commissioner’s report, issued today, has been sent to UN Member States, currently planning the April 20-24 Durban Review Conference to assess implementation of the wide-ranging Programme of Action agreed at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, held in Durban, South Africa.

Although government representatives preparing for the Review Conference have so far made all their decisions by consensus, some of the language proposed for a draft conference outcome document has been controversial because of its criticism of Israel’s policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The High Commissioner, who is Secretary-General of the Review Conference, appealed to governments not to allow any single issue to dominate discussions of such vital importance to human dignity to the exclusion and detriment of others. “I appeal to all to uphold the consensually agreed objectives of the Durban Review Conference, and to bear in mind their importance to the millions of victims around the world,” she said, adding, “I urge Member States to transcend their differences and to join efforts to confront racism and xenophobia.”

Addressing another controversial topic, Pillay proposed holding a series of expert workshops in order to help governments find common ground on the issue of defamation of religions. Several Islamic states have proposed language that would limit what they describe as defamation of religions, which Western states have expressed difficulty in accepting because of the potential negative impact on freedom of expression.

“In order to find common ground, we need to work together in good faith, with open minds and constructive thinking,” noted Pillay in her report. “To this end, while I understand the concerns behind the concept of defamation of religions, I believe that from a human rights perspective and in light of the Durban Review Conference, it should be addressed as an issue of incitement to religious hatred within the existing framework of international human rights law.” The workshops she proposed would be designed to foster better understanding of the legislative patterns and judicial practices in different regions of the world, reflecting different legal systems and traditions.

… She said that terrorism and some counter-terrorism measures had also impeded progress in combating racism. Just days after the conclusion of the 2001 World Conference against Racism, the terror attacks of 11 September 2001, followed by others around the world dramatically changed the climate surrounding the implementation of the DDPA. …


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